West Norfolk Carpet Bowls Association




Contact for help and advise:-


Elaine Brandon

01553 768741


Paul Morris

01553 679116


John Heeley

01945 581683



PLEASE NOTE ALL CLUBS, ALL results for all Leagues Etc. from now on to: Paul Morris, address on Members Page.


The Association

The Association was formed in 1996 with the aims of promoting the game in West Norfolk, organising competitions and encouraging new teams to develop. The Association works closely with the County Association.

Charities have been helped with much needed funds following successful carpet bowls events including the air ambulanc, stroke victims and cancer charities.

Annually a donation is made to the Borough Mayor's nominated charity raised through the Mayors Charity Shield tournament.

The Association has introduced carpet bowls to schools with some youngsters continuing the game with local clubs. It has proven to be a game that children with disabilities can compete at and achieve success.

Demonstrations and talks by the Association have been given to numerous groups including new clubs, Women's Institutes, School Fetes, Company and Social Clubs, Disabled and Elderly Groups. The Association is only too pleased to help the development of the game in any way it can.

Please contact any of our team listed in the side panel.



A Brief History Of Carpet Bowls In West Norfolk

Carpet Bowls was introduced to West Norfolk in 1983. The villages of Wiggenhall St. Mary, Pott Row and Marshland St. James received grants to buy equipment and start the game in their village halls.

The game made great strides forward in the 1990s, boosted by the loan-of-equipment-scheme administered by the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk. Numerous village clubs have been established enabling the formation of the Dairy Crest League based at Lynnsport in 1992 and the formation of the West Norfolk Carpet Bowls Association in 1966.


Carpet bowls is for all ages, get in touch with one of our clubs and give it a go!.