West Norfolk Carpet Bowls Association




Contact for help and advise:-


Elaine Brandon

01553 768741


Paul Morris

01553 679116


John Heeley

01945 581683





August 2019

To All Clubs

The management committee met recently to follow up on a detail passed at the AGM Last July.

The matter of Trophies or money or something as prizes. This was given to the committee to decide, we talked this through but all came to the same answer and that was to continue giving trophies.

We also brought up the matter of presentations, as it was felt by some clubs that July was too late after the leagues etc. had finished.  It was agreed that these would be presented at an earlier date.

The Play offs for the Borough Cup/ Mayors Trophy is on Sunday May 19th at Lynn Sport at 2pm start.  The Mayor will be coming as usual to present these trophies, so we have arranged for him or her, we don’t know who the Mayor will be, also to present the ones for, the singles, the two pairs, the fours and the Fenn League (No LGA this year and no Paul Brandon) after the teams have played, presentations should therefore be about 4pm.

Winners and runner ups will be notified of date and time.

Please secretaries pass this information on to your members.





AGM Held Thursday 26th July 2018

Wembley Room, Lynn Sport 7.15pm


Clubs represented: Dersingham, Sporle, West Newton, Watlington, West Acre, Heacham, Clenchwarton, Wiggenhall, Tower Hall, Runcton Holme.


Apologies received from: John Silvey(Sporle), Ian Jenkins (West Newton), Ann Raynor (Mundford)


Minutes from 2017 had been circulated, taken as read, all agreed a pass as a true record.

There were no matters arising.


Chairman’s Report:

Joy reported it had been a disruptive year, and decided it was time to retire from bowls completely and therefore will be stepping down this year.

It was stated from the floor, that we, WNCBA wish to thank Joy for all the work and time she has given us.


Treasurers Report:

John reported everything was still ok, (Balance sheet circulated), and he suggested that as we still had good reserves, we keep all Comps and Membership at £10, and the nightly fee at Lynn at £1.50 per head.  This put to the meeting and agreed on block.


Election of Officers:

Chair:              Elaine Brandon.  Proposed by David Hart, Seconded by Angela Gee. Voted and agreed.

Vice Chair:      David Hart. Proposed Elaine Brandon, Seconded by Joy Stephens. Voted and agreed.

Treasurer:        John Heeley was happy to carry on, Voted and agreed.

Secretary:        Unfortunately Doreen said she would have to stand down. It was then proposed if possible would David Hart take over this proposed by Judith hart, Seconded by Angela Gee. As David had taken on Vice Chairman, It was put to the Meeting if there was any objections to this proposal, all were happy about this, put to the meeting and passed.


Management Committee:   Judith Hart and Angela Gee agreed to stand.  Val Gooding, Paul Brandon   to be ask if they would like to stand again, also Paul Morris to be asked as well.


Any other business:

It was suggested that perhaps people would prefer money or something different as prizes instead of trophies for winning comps, leagues etc.  This was discussed at length but no definite result, it was the suggested from the floor, that this be left to the Management Committee to make a ruling on this matter, All agreed to this.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.55pm. Followed by presentation of 2017/18 Trophies by the Chair.



Carpet bowls is for all ages, get in touch with one of our clubs and give it a go!.